Friday, October 17, 2008

King Andrew

President Andrew Jackson was known as "King Andrew" by the Whig opposition party. Jackson was a supporter of hard money; as a result, he was against the circulation of paper currency. He destroyed the U.S. Bank and removed government deposits from it, thus causing the 1837 Depression. King Andrew never revoked the high tariffs imposed on the country, which created division in America. Jackson also increased national power by invalidating the nullification theory, which had given the states the right to declare a federal law null and void. The Spoils System is another example of Jackson's tyranny. Through this establishment, Jackson's political allies had advantages over the common people. Furthermore, he enforced the Removal Act, violently relocating Native Americans to the west.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nationalism & Sectionalism

Nationalism existed in both the North and the South. However, the issue of slavery acted as a dividing force that created sectionalism. The South supported slavery and did not want to be overpowered by the free states of the North. The Missouri Compromise kept sectionalism at bay by balancing free and slave states.